Bees in our swarm trap?
We were checking out one of our swarm traps a couple days ago and guess what? We have been checking them the past few days and there is...
Since we haven’t yet caught a swarm, and we were told about a local source, we decided to purchase a 3-frame nuc (3 Langstroth frames...
GRCA Tree Sale
A few weeks back, we took advantage of the annual GRCA tree sale. The Grand River Conservation Authority "manages the water and other...
Garden clean-up made easy
This is about a month old (or more), but I thought I would post before catching up on more recent activity. Back in April, with our first...
Spring veggies
I was out in the garden today, starting to clean up and I remembered I hadn't posted some pictures from a few weeks back. Around the...
Swarm Trap
Our intentions are to start a beehive this summer. We have the space and given the planting plans we have for the property, it should be...
Maple sugar candy
Following on Donna's post ... the sap just kept running. We were going to treat the whole sap and syrup thing as just an experiment for...
Maple Syrup
Spring. A time for new beginnings. It seems fitting for our first post on this new adventure to be about the venerable spring activity:...